Effects of technological developments

Current and historical technological developments that had an effect on the work of designers

Mass production:

The mass prodcution of goods is mainly driven by two factors

  • The consumer society
  • Built in obsolescence

  • The consumer society:

    A society in whcih the buying and selling of goods and services is the most important social and economic activity

    Built in obsolescence:

    A policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so it will become obsolete

    Advantages to the manufacturer:

    • Increased sales and profit
    • Customers will buy the latest product which will boost demand
    • Manufactuers control when to release new products
    • Less money tied up in stock
    • Fewer spares needed to be stocked
    • Fewer repairs need doing
    • Cheaper materials can be used
    • Warranties can be given in confidence

    Advantages to the consumer:

    • Manufacturers make the best products to keep ahead of the competition
    • Allows for consumer to keep up to date in fashion/follow trends
    • Companies are in greater competition to deliver new products
    • Consumers have a wider choice of products
    • Designs can become more innovative
    • As products are upgraded the second-hand market thrives

    The effect mass production has on employment:

    Mass production:
  • Started during industrial revolution
  • Inspired by Henry Ford (assembly line)
  • Workfore split into categories
  • High automated
  • High skilled technical roles that require lots of training
  • Low skilled manual labour roles
  • Advantages Disadvantages
    • High pay for the technical staff
    • Cost effective for company
    • Low labour costs for campany - increased profits
    • Offshore manufacturing advantages included
    • Workers replaced by machines
    • Low job satisfaction
    • Low wages for low skilled jobs
    • Poor quality living conditions
    • Sweatshop employment conditions in some countries
    • Poor/unsafe working conditions in some countries
    • Unemployment/less demand for labour

    Effect on employment:
  • Mass production increases unemployment but also gives low skilled labour jobs

  • The 'new' industrial age of high-technology prodution

    Computers in the development and manufacture of products:

  • CIM systems incorporating CAD and CAM used in modern manufacturing
  • Helps meet quick-turnaround jobs
  • Helps reduce development times and costs
  • Information can be quickly stored and transferred
  • Computer-to-plate (CTP) technology quickly produces printing plates
  • Miniturisation of products and components:

    Advanced integrated circuits (ICs):

  • Allow more circuitry to be included on each microchip, increasing functionality and power
  • Advanced battery technology:

  • Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, providing a lightweight means of storing a lot of energy resulting in thinner and more powerful fuel cells
  • Advanced liquid crystal displays (LCD):

  • Enabling colour screens that are thinner and brighter and require much smaller current, meaning greater energy efficiency and slimmer housings
  • Reduces unit cost so that low cost electronics can be produced

  • The use of smart materials and products for innovative applications


    The global marketplace

    Offshore manufacturing:

    Advantages Disadvantages
    • Lower labour costs
    • Greater availability of labour
    • Cheaper/more available land
    • Less strict H&S restrictions, tax, environmental standards
    • Lower energy costs
    • Jobs lost in host nation
    • Low income for employees
    • Exploitation of employees
    • H&S and environmental issues etc
    • Local community dependent on multinationals

    Advantages for a country hosting offshore manufacturing:

    • Increased employment
    • Wider expertise brought into the country
    • Increased training
    • Advanced technology
    • Increased reputation of country
    • More investment/stronger economy
    • A better standard of living is possible

    Multinational companies:

  • A company that operates in more than one country (e.g. Nike, Apple, Nisan, BP)
  • Outsourcing:

  • Obtaining goods and services from an outside supplier
  • Topic test: